Amount of weight

Membership Forums Programming Amount of weight

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    reading the article “How Much Weight Should I be Lifting?” I was left with a couple of questions.
    During the reps drop (phase 3 of program zero for example), when we are suppose to gain that explosiveness we have trained for, do we have to increase the weight so that it adapts to the number of reps, just follow the chart (i.e. add 1-3 kg dep on the exercise) or even drop the weight?
    Does this rep drop have the load/unload supercompensation principle in mind?
    As far as I know, the load phase is a couple of weeks, with 1 week of unload. Here would be 6 weeks of load and 3 of unload, which seem very long periods.




    The 2 week load and 1 week deload normally applies to powerlifting and other strength sports.
    We are field athletes with various qualities to train for. MP programs are block periodized with each block focusing on a specific objective.

    During the final phases of our programs, we want to move weight fast. Not too light that it doesnt create adaptation, and not too heavy that we compromise movement technique and speed. This you need to explore on your own, or take videos and have us help you.

    If you’ve never lifted weights before, more likely you just keep increasing weight all the way.
    If you need a “deload” week, take it, but i would suspect bad loading progression, doing additional stuff outside of the program, and/or not taking steps to recover.


    Got it, thanks!


    Bimbow, not sure where you’re getting the 2:1 load/unload stuff. I’ve had programs with prescribed deloading phases before but as far as I’ve seen MPFPT doesn’t include any.

    However I feel confident saying the rep drop e.g. from Zero phase 2 to 3 is more about variety and training different aspects of strength. The drop here specifically is not large but in general it’s common to see programs vary rep ranges from low to high either day to day or phase to phase and the concept is called periodization. Low reps work maximum strength and high reps work strength endurance and varying the range is thought to be effective at increasing strength.

    Zi is right about moving fast in the last phase of a program but Zero is a short on-boarding program so I wouldn’t think too hard about it there. When an exercise is intended to be done fast and with less than max weight it will generally say so. With Zero phase 3 just increase the weight as much as you can.

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