Combining components

Membership Forums Programming Combining components

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  • #2329

    Do you have any recommendations for how to combine different programs together into a weekly plan? For a lot of the year (but especially pre- and maybe in-season) I’d probably want to be working doing S&P, agility, and conditioning simultaneously. It would be great to have some templates for putting the parts together and especially integrating around practices and all that.



    Lookup/Search keyword “periodization” around the internet, picking out those that emphasize team sports.
    There’s some good books out there like Periodization Training For Sports (Tudor Bompa). That book and Periodization in general is a bit of an academic read but good to read and try to get an idea nonetheless.

    MP is still a fresh growing resource, so while programs and knowledge gradually gets added, reading up on Periodization will give your answer 🙂

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