Couple new questions.

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    I finished college season in may, then played club the past season -since January I had tibilalus tendinitis and tendinitis in my right hamstring. Since then I’ve been going to PT Once a week focusing on glute activation and some calf strengthening and since then it’s gotten much better. I was thinking of starting db, bb,kb (lifted for past 4 years of college) and would like to be using BBs. I was wondering how to know how much weight to be using and do I increase weight later on?


    Actually a very common question that we even have a page for it:

    How Much Weight Should I be Lifting?

    Also, I’m gonna pull something out from this post I made not too long ago:
    Triphasic Loading Progression

    Consider the number of reps and what type of phase it is. 6 reps is somewhere between pure strength and hypertrophy (70-80% as i said earlier). Doing tempo training is more load that doesn’t come from the weight plates, meaning you probably have to take some more weight off the implement.
    Having numbers and percentages is helpful but at the end of the day, if you can’t lift perfect controlled reps, you’re better off taking off pressure so you can keep going.

    Basically the same thing with my own personal sprinkle on the answer.

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