Deadlifts: regular bar vs. trap bar

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    My gym recently got a trap bar, so I’ve been able to incorporate this into my deadlift workouts. While I know that there is a difference between regular bar and trap bar deadlifts, I realized I’m not fully aware of the benefits and shortcomings of both. I regularly see Tim, Goose, etc opting for the trap bar, but why? In addition, is there an extra benefit to using the handles of the trap bar versus flipping it upside down? I know you start from a more vertical position, but I’m curious to know which is the most beneficial to our sport and why.



    Short answer: Trap bar transfers best to sprinting sports.

    The trap bar allows you to set your centre of gravity with the centre of the trap bar. Effectively, this enables you to train the best vertical force production pattern and stress that pattern exclusively.

    The conventional BB deadlift is very hip-dominant hence hinge dominant. Good if hinging is the focus of the training, but if talking transfer to sport, a pure hinge movememt does not mimic sprinting/jumping pattern as much as a trap bar does.

    Front squat is similar, but you need to control the load down and then bring it back up. It’s got the EIC phases of muscle action. Trap bar is pure concentric.


    Thanks Zi, exactly what I was looking for!

    Follow up question: what are the advantages/disadvantages of using the handles (starting the lift from higher up, less distance to move the weight) versus turning it upside down and not using the handles (starting lower, greater distance to move the weight).


    This has a couple diff perspectives:
    1) MQ
    2) Specificity

    1 – If one has trouble getting into deep flexion at the hips and knees and performing the lift correctly from low handles, then higher handles will suffice while they work on mobility.

    2 – The actual position a body produces force in field sports is generally thighs above paralel which you will be at when using higher handles. You are able to really focus on developing specific bilateral concentric power.

    Personally, i would do low handles early in the off season if able to do so. Then when in concentric phase driving loads high and before starting the peaking, go for high handles as it will transfer to sport better.

    Why not use high handles all the time then?
    Because spending some time to get strong at basic human ranges of motion will setup for stronger specific patterns.


    Goodness. If BJ is at 415 conventional deadlift and you are going to move to high handle trap bar… goodness. You may be closing up on Gooses 495 PR quicker than the rest of us. BTW, BJ, a friend mentioned you posted your 415 the other day somewhere on Social… but I never saw it… can you post here for Zi and I to have a look?


    Unfortunately, it was just a fb post. I don’t have a video of it :-/

    edit: I may go heavy trap bar on Friday, I’ll be sure to get a video and post it if I do I was doing sets of 5 reps at 315 yesterday, still pretty sore from that!

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