Hamstring Strain Rehab

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  • #4411

    Hi MP Team,

    So I’m in a bit of an unfortunate situation currently:
    – I strained my right hamstring two days ago (doctor says not serious, so I presume it’s a grade 1 strain)
    – I have tryouts in two weeks (already missed a tryout so low chance of being able to defer)
    – physical therapist doesn’t have any availability until after tryouts

    Main Question
    How would you recommend rehabbing/recovering to minimize chance of re-injury during my tryouts? I’ve watched Goose’s Hamstring Rehab Protocol as well as Module 3 – Glutivation and Mobility and I’m currently doing the following every day: icing, foam rolling, split stretches (3×30 secs each leg), donkey kicks (3×10 each leg), and bridges (3×10).

    Auxiliary Questions
    – Assuming no pain during activity, would continuing to run 150 triangles/shuttles with my strained hamstring meaningfully increase recovery time/risk of re-injury?
    – Assuming no pain during activity, would continuing to do front squats, RDLs, rear-foot elevated split squats, and single leg RDLs meaningfully increase recovery time/risk of re-injury? (at 80% of typical weight)

    Any guidance you could provide would be much appreciated!


    Great organized question. Lets talk through it.

    First, any idea why it is your right side?

    A video of your front view OH Squat barefoot would be helpful to see


    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for your reply. Unclear why it’s my right side specifically. Injury timeline (wrote a bunch since I’m not sure what’s relevant):
    – Strained my left hamstring on 3/26 where the proximate causes were overuse (third day of frisbee in a row after two weekend tryouts) and abbreviated warmup. Returned to conditioning on 4/3, mini on 4/5, and tryouts on 4/7. No lower body lifting between 3/26 and 4/7. No re-injury on left leg to date.
    – Strained my right hamstring on 4/10 while running deep at 80% speed during a huck drill. I had completed a full warm-up/other drills prior to that deep run and was feeling good. Ran conditioning the day before (4/9). Unsure what caused this one.
    – Was really aggressive about returning to my training. Lifted lower body at 80% typical weights on 4/11 and conditioned 4/14 plus 4/16. No pain during or after any of those.
    – Re-strained my right hamstring on 4/17 trying to change directions on an upline cut (was only participating in light drills during this pod). Likely tried to return to training/frisbee much too early.
    – Only started glute activation exercises after 4/10 strain.
    – Hamstrings have been feeling tight since 3/26 (maybe earlier, not 100% sure).

    Based on the above, I get the sense that I’m being way too aggressive about returning to training/frisbee. Was trying to balance recovery time with the desire to get in better shape for my remaining tryouts. Clearly was on the wrong side of that line. As per my above questions, hoping you can advise on the best way forward for the next two weeks. Thanks!

    I’ll try to get you that video in the next few days. Does it need to be OH squats (would either front / back squats suffice)? Asking because I haven’t trained the OH variation before and don’t want my poor form to inhibit your analysis.


    Sounds like you are hitting the gas hard on a potentially misaligned engine. The hamstring is likely tense and overused resulting in pain and lack of confidence in the tissue and its function. Could be due to lack of glute on that side, a simply pelvic torque, a lack of core control, lack of progressions into top end speed type work (huck drill)… I’d ask… what were your top end speed progressions leading up to 10 reps of a huck drill?

    What sort of SA programming did you go through prior to this.. also what sort of SP programs have you been through? Have you done plenty of donkey kicks and sliding hamstring work?

    We have to trouble shoot and that requires seeing your movement from the start. Go ahead and film OH Squat Split Squat & SLDL, all by 3, front view and side view. That’ll be an easy 2 minute uploads and will give me a rough idea of your MQ.


    Hi Tim,

    what were your top end speed progressions leading up to 10 reps of a huck drill?

    For the day where I considered the hamstring strain surprising (4/10), here’s what I did leading up to the injury:
    – foam rolling (including hamstrings)
    – static hamstring split stretch 3x30secs
    – hip mobility exercises (I have bilateral Femoroacetabular Impingement)
    – plyometrics (I wasn’t leading these, but I remember the work included hamstrings)
    – cutting in breakmark drill
    – endzone sets
    – huck drill

    What sort of SA programming did you go through prior to this

    No speed and agility programming to date.

    what sort of SP programs have you been through?

    – In college, did 5-3-1 for two years.
    – Took a couple years off
    – Started an ultimate-specific strength and power program the fall of 2017 (just subscribed to your site recently, so wanted to wait until tryouts were over to switch to one of your programs), can provide more details if it’d be helpful

    Have you done plenty of donkey kicks and sliding hamstring work?

    No, I only started donkey kicks and bridges after my 4/10/18 strain. No sliding hamstring work yet.

    Go ahead and film OH Squat Split Squat & SLDL, all by 3, front view and side view.

    Here are my videos for the requested exercises (plus bonus front squat footage I had lying around).

    Really appreciate the help!



    My response will be directed at your main question: what would we advise you do to prepare for tryouts in 1 more week.

    Focus 80% of your efforts on giving your hamstring some love. Right handed thrower?
    The rehab protocol provided by Goose is good to do inclusive of eccentric sliding hamstring exercises. The most basic progression for now, subject to pain levels.

    – Assuming no pain during activity, would continuing to run 150 triangles/shuttles with my strained hamstring meaningfully increase recovery time/risk of re-injury?
    – Assuming no pain during activity, would continuing to do front squats, RDLs, rear-foot elevated split squats, and single leg RDLs meaningfully increase recovery time/risk of re-injury? (at 80% of typical weight)

    I would lay off the shuttle drills. It will only extend the recovery as they are high stress. You can try and find alternatives i.e. bike intervals.

    You dont have to move much weight leading up to your event. Everywhere else can train as per usual but when your right hamstring is involved, go bodyweight and go easy on it. Performing the rehab protocol alone would still benefit you rather than trying to work around everything. Keep activities simple and objective.

    Imagine a metal chain. One link is half broken but hanging on. Dont go tugging on that weak link while you’re trying to weld it back together.

    The tryout results itself is largely out of your control so just do what you can confidently do as a player and teammate. It is more than just physical performamce.

    Testimony: I played Australian Mixed Nationals with a bunged left knee 3 weeks out. Adjust, adapt, survive. Made sure i deal with it after.


    Hi Zi,

    Appreciate the response! I’ll follow your recommendations.

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