Hang Clean – Form Check

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    This is from back in December, but it is the highest weight I got to with 3 reps. Failed on 245×3 and 240×3 in the weeks following, was only able to get 2 reps on each of those.

    This is 235×3 after doing 155×3 and 185×3 warming up to it.


    as the technical admin of this site i never comment on forum threads… but damn thats a hella impressive triple.


    Conair, this is fire. You are upping the ante for us! Especially our dude Andy who was leading the charge in loading this movement here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sGtn-uhZI8

    At first glance it looked like 145 because I don’t see the second plate spinning behind. Assuming its a solid 235, technique eras are few and far between at that load. You are moving the load and getting under it which is great… but what are you sacrificing? You are trading a longer hinge moment and a full hip extension moment.

    Id like to see a full hamstring range hinge, and a fullllllll hip extension moment at about 195 for you… This will transfer more to ultimate once you enter into peaking mode.

    Don’t get me wrong, you do need to move heavy load. This is a great load for say, P.1.Phase.4 clusters but i’d stick to this sort of 90% loading 1 x a week the other day drop to 80% and crush full range hinge and ext.


    This is the video I meant to share of Andy crushing 225 for a single. You have upped the ante Mr. Conair. I LOVE IT!

    <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/iXwXa4KtSkU&#8221; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>


    I’ll get some footage today when I do the clusters at 80%, then I’ll do the day 3 work at 90%. (I’m in P.1.Phase 4 right now)

    When you’re in Chicago next I would love to get in on a clinic or something like that to get some real-time feedback on form and technique. Any plans for something like that?


    We had a blast in MP Chicago 2011 but we only did MQ/SA/ESD we didn’t do any SP clinics. It would be great to go back and build. 2017 is unlikely for MP Chicago but 2018 is a great year to do some US touring.

    Kinda of funny, only took 1 video at MP Chicago 2011…. and this was it… “who turned off the gravity” hehehehe


    Finished the hang clean cluster set yesterday from P.1.Phase 4 at 205lbs (just over 80% 1RM), with the focus on full hinge and hip extension. Looking at the video it looks to me like I could’ve gone a bit lower, but while doing it I felt if I went further I would start putting a lot of stress on my back.

    Two videos:
    Full version, no edits

    SloMo version, rest cut out


    As far the back goes… The full hinge will stress your back if you aren’t 100% committed to keeping lower abs engaged during the hinge. Think about the full exhale / hold moment of the “plank breath” drills we use. That moment of core engaged, lower abs locked on… is critical do safe loaded hinging. Looking at these videos I can tell you are missing that piece just a smidge. Try the cue and lmk how it goes.

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