Hang clean newbie

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  • #3143

    Weight: 100

    What should I do to improve it?)


    Hey Oksi,

    Your hip drive, triple extension and rhythm is good.

    Your arms look a little bit involved based on how you seem to be controlling the catch with your arms. It’s not major at all but… try to keep it a little more loose. Imagine your arms are ropes, anchored at your shoulders and your hands. Use that hip drive to bring that bar up, then push your elbows through QUICK and catch with your shoulders/deltoids. That bar should have that brief weightless moment at the peak where your can catch it.

    Again, overall it’s good. Probably just need reps. Well done.


    Oksi, I agree with all of Zi’s points. Well done for first time!

    I would also “re hinge” each time. This will allow for greater force production.

    What I mean is… after each rep:

    stand all the way up, squeeze butt and belly, hinge, jump, shrug, sit (catch)…

    then, upon bringing the barbell down…. stand all the way up again and go from the top…

    This is opposed to what you are doing now… in the video your hinge is only half as loaded as it could be
    because you are going from the catch to the loading in one move… for now, it should be 2 moves.

    Here is a recent video of my hang cleans. Notice how every rep I bring my hips through at the top, lock glutes and core and then rehinge…


    Thank you guys, really helpful feedback!


    Help! I cannot get my form right on the hang clean. Any and all pointers are welcome


    DC this is pretty butter… To be picky, we always want to cue more hip extension in that clean. Your hips are going through but not as aggressively as they could… I want to see a FLOAT in the air … its why we often pair cleans with hip lifts and other ISO Hip Ext exercises so that we can really cue hips fully through. Like a lay out D. The chinese O lifters actually bounce the bar off their hips and throw their shoulders back to get more extension. I used to coach that when I was at UNI we called it the Hackie Pull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-rIfyuEE0c&t=49s

    I’m not sure we need to go that far for our purposes but just be conscious of it and focus on getting those hips allll the way through… like we do in those broad jumps, this time vertically…

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-rIfyuEE0c&w=560&h=315%5D


    Thanks Tim!,

    Yeah I definitely feel that im whacking the bar with my thighs to get it moving. I think i should drop the wight 20lbs and make sure i’m getting that full extension. I think I’m not getting the explosive vertical pull.
    Thanks again


    Feel like this is better ya?
    dropped the weight a bit to 125#
    Do i need to lower the bar further before I perform the lift?
    Am I popping out of the catch to quickly?
    Do I need to catch in a lower squat position ?


    This is excellent!

    Bar coming from knees is fine. Catching is fine.
    Maybe hold the catch half a second longer to get that landing position drilled.
    When you go heavier, you may need to catch it lower. Just play with it 🙂


    I agree with Zi, this is solid and you could hold that catch position for a bit longer. You get a lot of quality eccentric / isometric force absorption through the core when you stick the landing and pause. I also think you can add a bit more of a shoulder shrug at the top, this would allow more time for the bar to float / more time for he hips to reach more extension. Keep it up DC!

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