Hang Power Clean Form Check

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    I have been lifting for some time but this is the first time I’m doing it in a scheduled program. Right now I am doing Program Zero, Phase 1 and I wanted to check in with you about my Hang Power Clean form. After doing HPCs my shoulders have often been sore the next day, so I think I might be pulling out of the shoulders too much. This video is with 50kg/110lbs, whenever I try to do more it is not clean anymore probably due to my technique that relies on the shoulders too much.


    David, this is solid! You are cueing and aggressive shoulder shrug, which is fine but we need to prioritize hips over shoulders. You are also doing a quad dominate clean, which is also fine… but generally we save that for later stage programming and start you early with a more “hinge dominant” clean. Meaning, pushing your bum back til you feel your hamstrings being “loaded” and then use that load to create aggressive hip extension. Then, think sequencing… get hips ALL The way through before shrugging. Hips move the load.

    To know you are loading hamstrings your shoulders should end up 2-3 inches in front of the bar… but not at the expensive of over arching.

    Send over a video when you try this other technique

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