Homegym Lifestyle

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  • #2747

    MP Fam!

    I came across this video in r/homegym and this dude lives the homegym lifestyle. His videos are entertaining too.

    By the way, it’s clear that this dude is super SICK! BUFF STRONG AND AGILE all at once. What the heck?
    Years of work. Years upon years upon years of work.
    In an ideal world, this is what I want to do. Work, play and train all at once!


    Zi, a friend on FB just messaged me wanting to set up a home gym to train ultimate players in San Fran. He’s got a great space, 3 car garage and will be training mixed players for a full off season.

    He said he plans to post here on the forums soon. Until then I was looking for the video you made of you home gym so I can get him some ideas… Can you send over the link


    This was like 2 years ago. Might be a good time to film and script a proper updated version XD

    Just get him to see my instagram.

    Reddit r/homegym has lots of people happy to provide ideas. Although most are Titan Fitness or Rogue customers who powerlift.
    I set mine up to try and be like mbsc.

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