Ladder program

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    Hi! So I’ve become really fond of the ladder exercises but have no idea how to create a program with it. How many sets, exercises and how often do you think I should do it?


    Wassup Johanna,

    Keep in mind that the ladder is just one of many tools that are used in teaching agility patterns.
    It is not a conditioning tool like how many teams traditionally use it for. What I find they help stimulate are:
    – Coordination/rhythm
    – Shin/leg angles
    – Hip & Shoulder disassociation

    Use them as part of a transition between cone-to-cone warmup and agility drills. A technical tune-in if you will. I would suggest keeping to MP philosophy of progressions, for example:
    1) Slow & easy, ensuring toes forward, shoulder square, get a rhythm.
    2) Ramp up speed, maintain technique as mentioned above.
    3) Go as fast as you can, again maintain technique.
    I would do all speed levels, even for new athletes, but spend more time (2-3 runs?) in the appropriate progression. A small group of athletes and a ladder should take about 10 mins running through all 6 ickey/x-over progressions.

    Once an athlete is good, they are better off doing agility drills while just running through all three speed levels of ladder drills once (Agility drills including Serpentine, Pro agility, 10-cut, shuffle 4-3-2, x-over 3-2-1, etc.).


    We will have agility programs out VERY soon. A ladder program will be in there!


    The ladder program is up, but it doesn’t have any overview/instructions. Should I do 2-3 cycles of each set? For example, do I do exercises A1 to A3 2-3 times, then do the same for sets B and C? Thanks!


    Hey Jovin,

    Hang in there, the overviews will be updated soon.

    For now, you could try doing it similarly to how Tim’s done his agility clinics:
    Round 1 – Easy pace just introduce the movement
    Round 2 – Turn up one or two notches and check your technique.
    Final round – Challenge yourself and go as fast as you can perform it correctly.

    No harm in doing it slow. It’s better to do it right than to trip over yourself.


    Hey how long should each phase of the ladder program last?


    Ryan go for 2 weeks each phase. if you think you need another week to groove out the patterns you can make the call to stretch it out to 3 weeks…

    Programming Ladder.Zero workouts also depends on where you are in your season and your goals.

    What are you up to?
    i.e. whats is your time window of training prior to competition?


    Oh, i remember now, Chapman university, you are in the college season. We should consider combining the Ladder.Zero with Agility.Zero …


    Hey Tim thanks for the reply!

    I just started Program Zero and was planning on doing that twice a week, the ladder program once a week, and some sort of conditioning once a week (and play ultimate 2-3 times). I was then going to start agility zero and maybe 150 shuttles + triangles closer to my peaking time. Does that sound okay or would you do it differently? Thanks!


    This is a sold plan Ryan. By the time you get to the 150s and Triangle programming you’ll already have developed the strength based needed to absorb and produce the force in/out of turns. Not to mention you’ll have your crossovers and jab steps nice and grooved by then. Can’t wait to see you progress! Hit up some user submitted videos if you ever need feedback

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