Peaking at WUCC

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    Hi MPFPT Family

    First of all thanks for all the things you’re doing for us. The site is awesome and very helpful.

    To enter subject let me explain a little bit. I’m a Mexican player that is going to WUCC in July (14-21). But before that I’ve been preparing for Mexico Nationals that will be happening next weekend. I’m very familiarized with the SP (program Zero ) Conditioning and speed & agility programs,and handle the situation setting a peak for next weekend (May 12-13).
    After that I will be having 2 months (8 weeks) left for WUCC. I’m 23 years old and right now I have no injuries. I have two days of practice a week (2 hours that involve more throwing and stationary drills) and one day weekend practice that is a strong one with lots of scrimmage time. That makes a total of 3 days of practice.

    My questions are:

    1) What SP program should I follow after my Nationals?

    2)How many days and how can I combine my SP program with my practice schedule?

    3) When to start my conditioning,and Agility programs.

    Basically what should I be doing? How should I be approaching planning the upcoming months?

    Thanks for your Help. Greetings from México city.


    Richie, great framing of the question! Provide just a bit more info to help us to guide you.

    Prior to your experience with Program Zero… what was your training history?

    If we can know your “training age” meaning how many years you’ve lifted … we can better guide you on which programs to follow.


    Thanks for your help Tim

    Before ultimate i was a swimer. I’ve been playing for 3.5 years, and lifting regularly for 2.5 years. Before Zero program i was doing a workout less focused in ultimate with a day for each muscular group like legs chest arms etc.

    Let me know if i can provide you with more information. Greetings


    1) What SP program should I follow after my Nationals?

    Richie, based on your higher training age I can make the assumption that you are prepared to take on higher level programming. For an 8 week cycle, following but with a higher training age… you would benefit from executing StrenghtPower.One Phase 3-4. This will allow you to feel explosive leading up to the tournament. If you had a lower training age, I wouldn’t make this recommendation. In this case, I think you’ll be prepared to take it on. If ever you need to make a change due to unfamiliarity with movements, lateralize RFE’s back to Split Squats.

    2)How many days and how can I combine my SP program with my practice schedule?

    This really depends on the volume and intensity you are putting in at practice and how well your recovery practices are. 2 x a week is optimal.

    3) When to start my conditioning,and Agility programs.

    Immediately! 8 weeks out, lets gooooo

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