Program.Zero Clarifying Questions

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    Hey everyone. I’ll be starting Program.Zero soon but I have a few questions beforehand.

    In the program there are only 2 workouts per week, however I enjoy training and am used to working out 3-4 times per week. Is there any way I could adjust the program and add workout days?

    Should I be doing things like agility work on days when I’m not in the gym or is it too early to start that; if so what should I be doing?

    What sort of guidelines would you suggest for choosing initial weights?

    Should exercises like hip lifts and donkey kicks be weighted?

    Is the SLDL in Phase 1 Day 2 unweighted or with 1 DB like the SLDL on Day 1?

    I theoretically want to peak for January. How should I go about using the MPFPT programs in order to peak at that time?

    Thank you!!


    Hullo, Ryan!

    1) “I want more workout days!”
    Lots of people feel they don’t get enough of a workout when first introduced to FPT. This very much depends on what you have been doing before, especially the details/type of training/stimulation you have exposed yourself to.
    My advice is to follow Program Zero as it is because it will allow your body to adapt to its purpose more effectively. Yes, you can do some agility or low impact conditioning in between but keep in mind the focus of Program Zero is to develop a functional strength base, not the time to blow off a muscle or joint.
    9 weeks of something totally different from what you have done before will not totally remove all the gains you’ve built up. The challenge to a team sport athlete is to train all kinds of athletic qualities, so smart calculated variation in the program is beneficial.

    2) How heavy of load?

    How Much Weight Should I be Lifting?

    As technically correct as possible.

    3) Weighted donkey kicks/hip lifts…?
    In program Zero, they’re put in there to assist in training for a pattern i.e. glute activation for hang cleans. Any exercise can be loaded but these are better done with more emphasis on full body tuning i.e. keeping core tight, belly breathing, while performing them. They become as technically complicated as you allow them to.

    4) Phase 1 Day1/2 SLDL loading…
    This could be a typo, as I’d recommend both to be the same style (1 DB loaded). Tim wrote it so he will give you the best answer.

    5) Using MPFPT for peaking
    FYI, there’s more programs coming really soon. You can use Program Zero during in-season and progress a few of the exercises, or just repeat it with more load if you can. Again, remember your objectives as you go through your season, for example as you are nearing your peak date emphasise the speed of your movements or you will be practicing so much that you just need a basic strength routine to keep healthy (Program Zero is good!)


    Thanks for the info Zi!!

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