Question about Program.One Phase 3/4

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  • #2896

    Hi all,

    I’m currently doing Program.One and got a quick question: What does the rep scheme for the Straight Leg Sit Up mean (“10,5,5”)? Right now I just do 20.

    Also, I am starting to notice quite a difference in the weight I can move for the RFESS with my left and right leg, mostly due to a nagging problem with my left hamstring. If I can handle the current load with one leg but not the other, should I increase it on one side (to profit from progressive overload) or keep it the same (to prevent imbalances)?

    Thanks already for the great program, it’s a lot of fun!



    10,5,5 stands for 10 with both legs straight, 5 right leg only bent, 5 left leg only bent.

    Nagging hamstring? When did it start happening? Do you know what caused it?
    Pain/nagging makes your body compensate regardless what activity or program you do. I would stop all RFESS or any exercise that causes it to hurt and solve the issue. Then only resume.
    It may require you modify the program.

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