right scheduling in-season

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    my actual schedule include 2 open trainings and 1 mixed training. These trainings are 1,5h of frisbee training, just warmup and drills, nearly no fitness. I`m not in a physical constitution to compete on the highest niveau, but this is my aim.
    So i wanted to start with strength and power program zero. But im not sure the amount of training is to high for someone who doesnt train this much before.

    So should i skip some trainings or is it possible to put the strength programm to 1 training day a week?
    Or should i focus in season an frisbee training and play this season on a semi good constitution an start programm zero after nationals (September)

    Mo: 19-20:30 open
    We: 18-19:30 mixed
    Thurs: 18-19:30 open
    Fri: 18-19:30 mixed(optional)


    Hello Robart,

    Program.Zero (P0) is an introductory program, so it should not be too stressful for you. Most of the exercises work towards building/maintaining movement quality and is very important when you’re playing so much Ultimate every week. In-Season.One is a good program to consider as well but it could be slightly advanced as compare to P0 if you have never lifted before.

    My advice is not to do any conditioning programs except 30min walks or low volume tempo runs. I’m assuming you know what tempo runs are. If not, don’t worry about it. Essentially, I would like to see that you play three times a week as normal, and slide a lifting/gym day between them, twice a week.

    Please emphasize on movement quality. Prioritizing weight too early would prove difficult to maintain movement quality.


    Thanks for Spur advice.

    I will reduce ultimate Training to twice a Week. In Addition i want to add Two Gym sessions.
    Should i try to make both on the same day (Gym in Morning and frisbee in the evening) or split them to different Days? I Read that Recovery is important for the Body so i am Not sure if it is better that my Body can rest a whole day or split the train to more dass.


    ROBÄRT, split it. Separate days. This will give you the vigor to come at each session with 100% focus and intensity.

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