Training Plan to Peak for May Tryouts

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  • #4100
    Aaron D.

    Hello MP,

    First off I wanted to say thank you for providing this great training resource to the ultimate community. In the time that I’ve been doing Program.Zero, I have felt more explosive than I ever did in my first five years of playing ultimate,and I discovered that I actually really enjoy lifting. Nagging injuries that seemed to plague me through the years are also less nagging after playing days.

    I’m nearing completion of Program.Zero now and wanted some feedback on my training schedule going forward to prepare for tryouts in May 2018. My current plan is to start Program.One next week. When I reach Phase 4, I planned to add Agility.Zero workouts on non-lifting days. Finally, at the beginning of April I planned to add conditioning workouts.

    That would look like:
    W1-W12: Program.One 3x
    W13-W16: Program.One 3x, Agility.Zero 2x
    W16-W22: Agility.Zero + 150 Shuttle 2x

    During this training schedule, I plan to play in a league one day a week until while playing pickup occasionally (would forego pickup if it interfered with a workout).

    A bit of background about myself: I started playing in college. My sports background before college was golf (ha!) with some weight training during the off season of golf. In college, I did some weight training my Sophomore and Junior years, but never consistently enough to see any noticeable improvement in my on the field performance. The bulk of the workouts I did for ultimate were Speed and Agility and Conditioning. My running form and technique always hampered my athletic performance (recovering heel runner).

    At the end of my Junior year and throughout my Senior year I put on quite a bit of weight due to an extremely poor diet and stress from school. After college, I dropped my weight from 215 down to 165 (I’m 6’0″ for reference). I played club in the summer of 2016, but alas I did not make a team this last summer… The only pre-existing injuries that consistently give me trouble are my groin in my left leg and my left shoulder (asymmetries suck), but my groin seems to be better since starting Program.Zero. Program.Zero is the first structured lifting program I have ever completed.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I appreciate your feedback!



    Sounds like a pretty good plan. On that note, just a personal reminder from me not to get too sucked into trying to go harder and harder all the time. One will always think they can go harder, but the body has its limits. Phase 3 is a good phase to charge at the weights a little more, and final phase of and the ESD programs are the time to be reactive and fast.

    I encourage you to share some videos and check in 🙂 We all love to see the MP family work and help each other do better.


    If possible you probably want to plan on keeping maintenance lifting in there when you’re done with Zero for pre- and in-season. You’re probably not going to make serious strength gains once the season really gets going but even one day a week helps maintain what you’ve built and keep you primed to be explosive. InSeason.One is written for 2x a week and ideal for that.

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