Whoop band with MPFPT

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    I recently bought a Whoop band and have been looking at my mpfpt workouts while wearing it. I have noticed that the strain from the workout is typically not very much even though I am working pretty hard on the workouts. Should I be adding conditioning or agility to these days as well? Looking to reduce my amount of rest between lifts? I know that whoop is using heart rate to calculate strain. I am trying to get the most out of my workout days.Would I be better off having medium strain levels through the week instead of high strain on workout days? @Kaela @Goose


    No! Whoop only measures cardiovascular strain, which is useful information but has limits. The benefits of lifting won’t really be captured by Whoop except that it might affect recovery a bit. In fact during strength or power phases (as opposed to possibly hypertrophy) you want to take longer rest periods if anything. Those workouts are about maximum force production and you need to rest fully between sets to get the full benefit of them.

    It’s a good idea to do conditioning and agility year-round, especially if you’re getting ready for club tryouts in May or so, but you want to separate them from your strength workouts. You can do them on the same day if you allow a few hours in between to rest but I usually do strength one day and cardio/agility the next if my schedule allows it.


    I figured as much. It seemed counter productive to cut into my rest to improve my strain score. Thanks!

    Charlie Cooper

    I’d also add to this and say that as you wear the band more it learns about your body / HR patterns and that strain score may get higher from certain workouts. I also know from my own experience that what you do the day before , and what you do after, and when in the day you workout (particularly when you lift) will have an effect on how much that strain score goes up post workout. Also remember that although it doesn’t track steps, the band does have an accelerometer in it, so things with movement tend to get the score higher. I’ll admit it’s a constant push / pull of trying to get a high strain as a goal , (like accumulating 10k steps for example ) bs trying to use the band to measure recovery vs strain, which at the end of the day is the point of the device. If nothing else, the band has helped me take a hard look at how my body recovers, and what factors lead to a shitty recovery. It’s one thing when you are training to push that balance, but I’m happy to know how I can best prepare for peak performance come tournament time

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