Workout Tracking Apps

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    Does anybody have a workout tracking app they really like? I’ve tried some for Android in the past but never found one that works really well with the kind of training I do. I think about developing my own as a side project every now and then but have put it off because doing all the features I really want would be complicated.


    I’ve used Strongur ( but it’s IOS only and Jefit. Both are good, but can’t say I’ve found something that works for me better than pen and paper at the gym and tossing everything into excel when I get back home.


    I tried out a couple yesterday during my workout and recalled one of my typical problems is not accounting for variations on exercises. I had goblet RFE squats programmed but Strong only include Bulgarian split squats. I can add a note that it’s goblet but if I do side-loaded RFES in the future it’ll show a previous weight for the lift that isn’t really comparable.

    I’d also like something that adequately groups tri- or super-sets but that’s maybe less essential.


    We will be launching a new service in a few weeks that includes an app syncing up with our MP programs and will track weights, estimate 1 rep maxes and more.


    @Morgan, that’s pretty much the exact problem I’ve found with apps. I either have to spend too much time customizing the workouts or the built in options are too limited forcing me to workaround those limitations with notes. Unless I’m doing a standard PPL or 531 cycle off season i generally found that pen and paper give me what i need at the gym and excel gives me everything else when i get back home.

    @Goose, very excited to hear that, particularly since i saw on reddit that you would be releasing some newer programs (I’ve gotten a bit bored going back through program 1 now that the off season is here).


    @Gary I kind of understand why it happens because when I’ve thought about how I would implement the features I need the data model can get a little complex. With the increasing popularity of functional training, athletic-style training, and crossfit plus more athletes in more sports (like ultimate) taking training more seriously you would think there’d be enough of a market to work it out at least somewhat better.

    Exercise groupings (e.g. trisets) are important. Cluster sets are not at all uncommon. People do a lot of different variations of exercises and the differences can matter.

    Slightly off-topic: do we have a generalized name for supersets/trisets?


    How are you liking TB Morgan?


    It’s decent! Helps that the program is pre-loaded. On Android at least I find it’s a little slow sometimes and doesn’t save everything if I’m just clicking through the warmup checking everything off. Obviously it doesn’t really do the stuff I was looking for in a general workout tracking app because it’s designed for situations where a coach is providing the workouts for the athletes but for MPFPT specifically that works fine.

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