PEAK+ Registration Form

Enrollment OPEN Intake#11   PEAK+ takes training with Morrill Performance to the next level. PEAK+ combines the standard MPFPT member 4-Portal programming into a holistic long-term athletic development template...





PEAK+ takes training with Morrill Performance to the next level.

PEAK+ combines the standard MPFPT member 4-Portal programming into a holistic long-term athletic development template delivered via Teambuildr mobile device app.

The MPFPT PEAK+ program is the best roadmap we have available to guide you on your peaking journey. Experience it, humbly learn from it, reach your peak, pass the fire, and hang with Jamily!

Peaking is the deliberate planning of training to attain optimum objective performance. Wherever an athlete is in their competitive career and lifetime, there will be many many peaks at varying times to meet varying goals. Just like a pyramid, many small peaks can lead to much larger peaks. Peaks don’t last long but they unlock new levels of performance potential and be leveraged towards another type or time of peaking. This compounding effect is called super-compensation and is the basis of physical adaptation.





Persistent lifestyle that we shall guide you in the pursuit of Excellent performance in body and mind, caused by Adaptation through physical and mental training, using the Knowledge that is fully accessible at your fingertips.

PEAK+ Features

Mobile Access

Download the Teambuildr app on any Apple or Android device.
Access workouts wherever and whenever you need.

Exercise Options & Data Tracking

Selected exercise options available, giving you control of your throttle.
Track your workouts, weights and times, as well as your Personal Records/Maxes.

Program Calendar

Prepare upcoming training sessions with videos and instructions from our coaches.
Workouts reminders sent to your email.

Schedule your Peak

Select from pre-determined peaking schedules or discuss with coaches.

Enrollment Process

  1. Read the WAIVER
  2. Plan your training. Find your next crucial tournament or tryout date and work backwards
    – at least 24 weeks to go into Off-Season 12-week (and transition to Pre-Season 12-week)
    – at least 28 weeks to go into Off-Season 16-week (and transition into Pre-Season 12-week, or vice versa)
    – at least 32 weeks to go into Off-Season 16-week (and transition into Pre-Season 16-week)
    – at least 12 weeks to go into Pre-Season 12-week (and transition into In-Season)
    – at least 16 weeks to go into Pre-Season 16-week (and transition into In-Season)
    – indefinite to carry you along with In-Season (and transition into either Off/Pre-season when ready)
  3. Look up the intake # that coincides with the date you worked backwards to.
    Refer to the Enrollment Intake Schedule below.
  4. Fill up the form.
  5. Tick the checkbox to confirm you have read the WAIVER
  6. Do you have a coupon code? Have that in hand now.
  7. Select payment method and click ‘Join Peak+’ button.


If you are a current MPFPT website member:

  • your payment calendar will change to when you sign up for PEAK+
  • this is not an additional charge and will replace standard MPFPT payments with PEAK+ payments.

If you do not have a membership at all:

  • PEAK+ includes the same benefits of standard MPFPT members


Enrollment Intake Schedule

Intake # STATUS START* FINISH (12-week) FINISH (16-week)
5 closed 28 Jan 2024 27 Apr 2024 25 May 2024
6 closed 25 Feb 2024 25 May 2024 22 Jun 2024
7 closed 31 Mar 2024 29 Jun 2024 27 Jul 2024
8 closed 28 Apr 2024 27 Jul 2024 24 Aug 2024
9 closed 26 May 2024 24 Aug 2024 21 Sep 2024
10 closed 30 Jun 2024 28 Sep 2024 26 Oct 2024
11 <<OPEN>> 28 Jul 2024 26 Oct 2024 23 Nov 2024
12 coming soon 25 Aug 2024 23 Nov 2024 21 Dec 2024
1 coming soon 29 Sep 2024 28 Dec 2024 25 Jan 2025
2 coming soon 27 Oct 2024 25 Jan 2025 22 Feb 2025
3 coming soon 24 Nov 2024 22 Feb 2025 22 Mar 2025
4 coming soon 29 Dec 2024 29 Mar 2025 26 Apr 2025

* The start date includes one week of on-boarding program.


What happens next?

  1. You will receive a welcome e-mail. In addition to the e-mail…
  2. Explore
  3. While waiting for your scheduled program start, we highly encourage reviewing content in the lecture hall, namely FPT: 1- 8
  4. We will setup your TeamBuildr athlete account within 72 hours before the start of chosen intake.
  5. Download the Teambuildr app on Apple or Android device. Do not log-in yet.
  6. You will receive an e-mail from TeamBuildr about accessing your TeamBuildr athlete account. Use the link provided in the e-mail.
    No e-mail? Check your spam inbox.
  7. Hit us up on Slack, Instagram or Facebook Group.



Already enrolled with PEAK+ subscription?
Contact us immediately through Slack or TeamBuildr, messages, Instagram or to set you up with your next block of training.